Friday 8 May 2015

Rant On Our Imperfection

A perfect human is next to non-existence. Human being are created by Allah SWT, never by any means, to be perfect. We as a human always prone to try things and making mistakes. Along the way, we stumble to the hard ground, we fall to the deep abyss of failure, we do get badly hurt, we rise up again and just keep trying, over and over again. Along the process, we keep growing and we’re thankful for this golden opportunity rewarded by Allah, that we called as LIFE.

The never perfect human. Yes that's us.

Whenever we are not satisfied on a matter that contradicted with the never ending pleasures of the world, our deep small thought always keep ranting on things such :

“Ya Allah, why he just have everything? In contrast with me, nothing much?”

“Dear Allah, why you always pour him with tons of rewards, but only a small portion being given to me? 

“I have strived my best, but still the result was far from what I expected. Doesn’t Allah know that I already gave out my very best? Wouldn’t He want to repay all of my hard work with success?”

“Why must always her? Is there any slightest chance for me to also have what she always get before? 

Calm yourself first. Inhale, exhale, istighfar.

All of those “why” that being exaggerated for this long, simply to express our own discontentment towards what so called ‘unfairness’ of life. We might keep wondering why sometimes the selected few, always have the luxury of the things that we are still far to reach through? It’s become so common as a human, not to feel grateful and appreciate on the things that we don’t posses directly in front of our view point, in the first place.

Primarily, Allah does not simply create us as His worshippers, to live without any vivid purpose. If Allah intended in doing so, we are just simply like a ship drifted in the open ocean, aimlessly lurching according to the surge of sea current & wind direction. For sure, He created us with variety of distinctive talent, different level of mind ability, diversity of skills and such, for each and everyone of us. 

Life without any clear purpose is just like a ship lurching
aimlessly through the open ocean

Besides, Allah also perfectly create and determine our own fate and pathway of life. Sometimes, we questioned for all of the trials and failure being thrown to us. Does it seems fair to simply make a direct fault to Allah for being unfair to us? For everything that fell short upon us, there always be some rationale and reasons concealed behind those matters. It might be only us who don’t really have that exact acknowledgement on why the matter befall into us indeed.

As Allah stated in the Quran, in Surah Al Baqarah (2:216) : 

As being explained in this verse, we must clear that Allah SWT has the Al Alim (العليم), ‘The All-Knowing’ value . Whether a particular matter is for good or for worse, it’s all comprising in the vast knowledge of Allah. We must be certain that whenever our prayers or wishes are not granted by Allah, there will always something better awaiting ahead, that surely be a proper replacement for the things that we previously longing for. If the things that being wished are not rewarded in duniya’s life, just hold up to your patient, because for sure, it will be rewarded in the akhirat’s life later on. So always contain a stellar expectation upon His blessing.

On a particular person, having the strength and the weakness is a natural characteristic of a human being. Our weakness is actually serves as a kind of reward given by Allah . But how exactly a weakness can turn out to be a reward? In reality, those weaknesses can be transformed by a very simple tool; the right MINDSET. If you develop the mindset that weaknesses aren’t really weaknesses, you’ve just broken through from your confined walls of limitations and fears. Then, you already set yourself free. It’s as simple as that.

Have you scrutinised everything and be able to pin point your weaknesses? Are they keeping you off-course from kicking-off something new or even from pursuing an ambitious dream? Sometimes we have fears about our weaknesses without even realising it beforehand. 

Take a moment to think about what you’ve always wanted to do, or what you’re currently doing now. What are your fears? What do you perceive to be your weaknesses? What are your limitations, and what’s the matter that currently holding you back? Take assessment to this situation, and then change your mindset about these weaknesses!

Identify your weakness and tackle it wisely

But still, hold on to the firm believe that we as a Muslims, need to be grateful on whatever the weakness that we are currently having. For every weakness, for sure Allah will reveal the hikmah on one fine day. In contrast, the advantage that we are contented of for this long, it’s surely act as a building block to our superior strength. It’s crystal clear that these kind of advantages need to be utilised so well. Simply trust the true version of yourself, get to know your advantages, and shine it up in order to catapult yourself up straight to the pathway of success.

Sometimes, it largely depend on us to open up the chance & searching for the real opportunity. Let’s broaden our way of how we think from now onwards. Utilise well the superior mind ability that being awarded by Allah. Keep reminding yourself to exactly know what you can really offer, regardless to  your religion, country and society. Furthermore, just keep questioning yourself, 

“What’s my exact strength, talent or advantage that Allah has rewarded to me?”

Stay focus on your inner ability and learn to utilise things around us well. Along the way, always be grateful on all of the rewards that Allah already blessed us for this long. Bear in mind that the grateful few is only for the person that are grateful enough for His rewards. 

In the end, we only regret the chances that we didn't take

Just keep pushing the true potential of yourself, and never raise up your white flag whenever the failure try to crush you down. It’s also mark a vital starting platform for you just to keep pushing and striving right from the ground up and eventually to the crux of success. Don’t ever feel down when the others grasped the anticipated success while you’re still struggling somewhere down below. It’s just matter of time and extra hard work, also with constant prayers and tawakkal to Allah Almighty.

Don’t ever knocked down by failure. Don’t ever dare to say “I give up!” even before you’re making the first move. That’s only the action for the coward person. Allah already create us to be a special person, so why must we bother to hardly try to be another person? Stand up high, with your boldest confidence and towering courage, then shout, “I AM WHO AM I!”

A single feat of daring can alter the whole conception
of what is possible

Always, in conscience or not, we might have the thought of “Dear Allah, you never been fair to me!”. But then in reality, that’s literally means, “For real, I’m truly your ungrateful servant!”

By :

Inche Songkok Hitam

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