Friday 13 March 2015

Random Act of Kindness, Anyone?

The time has come when we cannot simply rely on the others, to make the world that we are currently reside on, to be a better place. Have a flashback on yourself; when was the last time you actually done a random kind act to others? If your flashback is in a blurry state, then there’s something that you should be ponder upon. And this bring us coherent to the theme of today's post - being kind to others.

Kindness is basically CONTAGIOUS. If you do it for once, you tend to place it consistently into your daily to-do list. Furthermore, it is truly a win/win situation as the person you are being kind to, benefits through your help. Also, you feel good for having to help someone in the first place. Eventually, this world gonna be in such a better place as it channeled vividly through your kindness.

So where do you wanna start with? To make a rough sketch of idea out of it, I have listed 15 ideas of random kindness that you might want to put into practice down below. So first let's get hang of it by....

1. Take a minute to direct someone who is lost, even though you're rushing.

This sight might be familiar for the foreign tourist, who are having their vacation here in Malaysia. Do more than just show them how to get where they need to go, instead offer to take them all the way there by yourself! That way, you will ensure that they don't get lost again. In the process, get to know the people you are helping and make a new foreign friend along!

2. Say "please" and "thank you"— and really mean it.

When you are in the need of helping hand from the others, ask for it nicely. Start your request with “please” and end it with “thank you”. This kind of little gesture will lift up the others respect on you and eventually, will help you out directly from their sincere heart. 

3. When you're on a crowded train or bus, offer your seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person.

Be keen to your surrounding when you are in the public transportation! Look around if there’s any elderly, disabled or pregnant woman that need to be seated properly. These days, it pretty becoming a common sight when the allocated seats for these special group are already taken by the few disrespectful person. Oh c'mon, let's change this habit!

4. Call to a teacher who changed your life.

Right after graduated from our high school, we will be scattered everywhere and get ourselves busy at the tertiary education level. But how about, we leisurely take a few moment to call your high school teachers. Just bare in mind that without their hard work & sacrifices, you might not be able to grasp the success that you are currently holding on now.

5. Put your shopping cart back in its place.

Instead of leaving your shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot when you're at the Tesco or Giant, make someone's job easier by returning it to where it belongs. It is inded a small act that doesn’t take a lot of thought or energy, but your consideration and respect will be greatly appreciated! 

6. Bring a box of doughnuts/pizza to be shared at the hostel.

Maintaining a friendship with those you live with, is a great way to keep a solid relationship with them. Just giving them small reminders of how much you appreciate their hard work, or their friendship will help keep your relationship stay strong and firm. Yes, even it just simply come from a box of doughnuts & pizza.

7. Simply say "I'm sorry" when you're wrong.

As a human, making mistake is just too common. Sometimes we don’t even realise how bad our act is, how harsh our words being uttered to the others. Make a prompt word of “sorry” directly after you realised that you have done something wrong. In between, lower or better, totally discard away your mounting ego. Trust me, the output will turn out to be so much better like that. 

8. Throw away your trash, and someone else's—after a movie, picnic or visit to a park.

Beautify and keen to your surroundings! Be kind to the environment and those around you by picking up the trash when you see it lying around. It doesn't matter who left it there, just pick it up!

9. Offer change when the person in front of you at the register comes up short.

This situation is common at KTM ticketing counter and fast food outlet. Whenever the person in front of you come up short with their money, simply offer to them a little. A few extra cents and ringgit doesn’t really matter as it can surely excites a positive vibe right after.

10. Leave a tip for a pleasant waiter.

Next time you eat at a restaurant, leave a tip as a surprise for your waiter or waitress. Well here in Malaysia, the tipping habit is somehow not being so well practiced. But here you are to make the exact transformation. Why not throw in an extra ringgit or two? You are bound to make someone's day when you tip more than expected as well.

11. Pass along a great book you've just finished reading.

It just a wonderful feeling when you are tucked into your comfy blanket while engrossed into a good book. If the book contents are so great and beneficial, why wouldn’t you share its greatness to the people around? Make them captivated too! After all, good things are meant to be shared right?

12. Be generous with compliment.

Make it a habit to pay people compliments. When something strikes you about someone else on a particular day - a nice outfit, a beautiful smile; just recognise it with a deep sincere compliment. Then again, that someone might be your classmates, juniors or even a complete stranger. 

13. Put sticky notes with positive quotes on the mirrors.

You'll never know how the impact of a single quote could have on a particular person. Hopefully, sharing inspiration will encourage your friends and family, as well as strangers, to remain optimistic into everything and eventually, do their best in their daily lives.

14. Hold the door for the others

Holding the door open for someone is something they just do in old movies, right? Well think again. Holding the door open is a polite and thoughtful act that you can easily do for your family, friends and even strangers, every day. Whether you’re at college, bus station, at shopping mall, or at home, those around you will certainly appreciate your good manners.

15. Complain less

Just as being negative or complaining excessively can bring down those around you, whereas focusing on positive things can make others happier and more positive towards themselves. So just by avoiding being negative, you’ll actually be helping your family and friends! Trying to find something positive about a situation you’d typically complain in will also make you happier, and hopefully change your perspective in the projection view of the world.

The above list only stated 15 rough ideas on the random act of kindness that you may take into practice. I believe that you can achieve a lot more than those being mentioned. To sum up, never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. Because at the end of the day, all these kind of simple little gestures that will eventually bring a sparkle that will initiate the good vibes of everyone around. Also, it is important to carry out your act of kindness without expecting anything back on the later days.

So what else are you waiting for? Let's make a change by doing some random act of kindness from today onwards!

Written by : Inche Songkok Hitam

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