Sunday 9 August 2015

The Ecstatic Epilogue of the Broken Souls

“At times, it’s better for me in being the old me; reverting to the one who always done something bad, being far astray to the true Islamic value. Looking on it now, even I do know that the truth is lying right before me, but my souls seems to be tortured around the clock…”

These kinds of words might always being uttered by the people among our society. Alhamdulillah, they have been given the blessed hidayah from Allah SWT, and they realise upon their pile of sins, deep from their despaired past. But, what makes their souls feel tortured, despite of having the calmness of facing the vivid truth?

No need to talk about them. First, let’s reflect ourself in the first place. Maybe for some of us had been experiencing this surge of emotion. For whatever it might cost, you will always try to seek for the truth and trying to improve yourself but still, your souls and minds are still locked in the chain of endless anxiety. 

"Even the strongest soul.... can be broken"

When this kind of feeling sinks in your heart, you must be grateful to Allah. This is because, Allah does exist around you all the time, and He still willing to guide you along the true way of Islam. In fact, your pain that raging deep from inside the heart, that actually signifies the great war that currently erupting between your Islamic values and jahiliyah. Yes, all of those are happening inside you.

You realise that there’s no midpoint existed between those two matters. Whether you will be included into the Islam by kaffah (wholly) or you just let yourself to be ruled by al-hawa (lust) and jahiliyah. And if you ever try to mix these two things up, it will eventually brings you closer in being the group of kafir. This matter has been explained by Allah SWT in the Holy Quran as follows :

Surah An-Nisa' [4:150]

Surah An-Nisa' [4:151]

That’s how Islam goes. It simply cannot be taken in half and completely neglect the other half. As the current scenario prevails, many of Muslims nowadays restrict Islam’s teaching only in their daily prayers, wedding solemnisation, fasting and Eid celebration. Apart from that, their other daily way of living is no other different than the kafir’s way of living.

As for example, we might cover our aurat perfectly, but we cannot contain our tongue from keep talking bad things about the others. Besides, we might go to the mosque 5 times per day to perform our prayers, but it’s hard for us to treat other people around nicely. Furthermore, we might have the high position in our well-established career, but the goals of our career is no other different from the people that do not have the true religion guidelines upon themselves.

Still, we don’t discuss about the group of du’at (group of people that spread dakwah) that surely have the better knowledge of Islam but still can’t make the goal in building the strength of Islamic influences among the society. Contradictory, they are taking this trust on their shoulders merely for granted, without knowing what’s the deadly cost that awaits in the future.

For sure, Islam will be such a troublesome load for us if it’s being restricted to ibadah or aqidah’s aspect only. And if Islam proven to be so rigid to follow through, it will be hard for someone to dissipate the jahiliyah that nestled deep inside them. It’s indeed impossible for the heart to have the affection on two different things at once, without flipping one another down. 

Be sincere. Allah surely knows what's in our heart.

That’s serve as the main problem to this challenging episode of life, when we struggling to differentiate the souls of the Muslims from their love of devastating lust. They will blindfoldly obey to the ‘god of lust’, due to strong affection towards the beauty, rank and fame. They don’t realise that these kind of things will only be lasting for the short life in the world, and don’t have any significance for the eternal akhirat’s life. In fact, they will be kept indulged in the deceive of this reverie world, busy in collecting the duniya’s fortune and completely forget to collect the akhirat’s fortune, that is far more important and compromising.

At the end of the day, this episode will be concluded by the bunch of wrench souls that diverge away from the Almighty’s bless. They set their foot running for their own impossible contentment, and just navigating themselves away from the true belief of Islam. This is in proportion for the firman of Allah SWT :

Surah Al-Furqan [25:43]

Starting from this moment onwards, we must hold ourself to not to be engulfed in the hazardous influence of al-hawa within all of us. What makes the matter worse, it will just bring us closer to the syirik. Isn’t syirik is one of great sin that will not be forgiven by Allah? For sure, Islam is the religion that focusing on the fitrah of human races, being realistic in every aspects, modest in daily life, and suitable to be practised by all walks of life and during the whole time. 

One day, everything will come to an end. And you'll
taste every fruit of your deeds

To sum up, if we truly manage to immerse the whole value of Islam within ourself, we will discover how perfect, well organised and beautiful this religion really is. Then, it will not evoke any issue in connecting all of our daily routine activities by the guidelines being provided by Islam’s teaching. And for those who might have the broken souls, just keep discovering for the perfect remedy by the great bless of Allah and eventually be able to write an ecstatic prologue of the episode of your life!

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